Building a successful career requires planning, ability and a measure of good luck. The planning you can do for yourself. Abilities are things that you can acquire, or improve, so again, It’s up to you to put the effort in. The luck often comes from the amount of effort and work we put in, so a lot of it is up to you - Golfers say, ‘The more I practice, the luckier I become’. In the legal world we can help create our own luck by acquiring and honing our abilities and working effectively towards our goals.
The first question to be asked and answered in any article of this kind is, ‘What do you mean by successful?’ Success means different things to different people. It is a general truism that people who have not yet achieved great wealth in their life tend to believe that their lives will be happier if they are rich, which doesn’t always turn out to be the case. So I have set out some simple goals to be achieved in a lawyer’s professional life which are usually mentioned when lawyers draw up lists of what it is to be successful. The point about this particular list is that it, even if you disagree with it, it is essential to have goals if you wish to push yourself to achieve something in life. If you haven’t achieved anything, how can you say that you are successful? to read more>>>>>>