British Legal Centre News and Events

News and Events

New Course---60 short video-lessons of legal writing

September 11. 2018

We know that busy lawyers find it difficult to set aside time for study to improve their legal knowledge and skills. This is why we are really proud of our newest course, the recorded video course of legal writing contained in 60 twelve-minute video lessons. 

Now you can take the course, to improve all aspects of your legal writing, in lessons averaging just 12 minutes followed by short inter-active exercises. 



September 10. 2018

You have probably noticed our ‘New Look’ website, which we finally sent live this weekend. Although the website has been displayed in its new format for the last 6 weeks, we were unable to use all of its new features until today. We have now up-loaded sufficient new recordings of our different courses, with their new style inter-active exercises, to allow us to switch on all the new features on the site.


September 8. 2018

We are delighted to announce the news of the opening of our new training centre in Lahore, Pakistan - in partnership with our associates, Prudential Middle East Legal Consultants.


New CPD Training Programme for Dubai

November 28. 2015

Following on from our new partnership with the University of Dubai, you can find details of the dates and topics of the CPD Training Events which we will be running with the University at the future seminars page.

Pay for your courses lesson by lesson

July 16. 2013

We know that a lot of our students are still studying at university and have not yet qualified. We understand therefore the paying for a course in advance can be difficult. To help our students overcome this difficulty we have now changed our software so that students can pay lesson by lesson, each time they log on to view a new broadcast.

Counterfeit Goods: an important Canadian precedent case

August 16. 2011

The Canadian federal court has issued a severe warning to counterfeiters of high-end luxury goods in Canada. In a recent trademark case involving copyright infringement the court awarded damages of $1.98 million for copyright and trademark infringement with a further punitive damages award of $500,000.

Letter writing skills

July 28. 2011

As a lawyer your competence will often be judged from the style, tone and content of your writing. Its neither fair nor accurate in assessing ability but it is a fact of life that when we read a letter we tend to build up a mental picture of the person who wrote it.

Giving a successful Interview

July 6. 2011

In the last article we looked at how to structure and write your CV in order to get an interview for the job that you want. In this article we will look at how to prepare for the interview, how to behave during the interview and finally some of the things you should and should not say during the interview.

Writing a successful CV

June 30. 2011

So, you have finished University and perhaps even started your first job. Now you need to write a CV that markets you, and your unique capabilities, to a future potential employer.