US and UK Contract Law

The US and UK Contract Law seminar is a one day training seminar for practicing lawyers and law students dealing with all the basic aspects of Contract Law found in the US, UK and Common Law jurisdictions.
The trainer is a highly experienced British lawyer-linguist.
Participants will gain knowledge and understanding of the essential points of Contract Law and the vocabulary needed by lawyers working in this area of law to be able to agree and write binding valid contracts which stick and are enforceable.
The seminar includes the 5 essential requirements of a contract and also deals with topics such as Privity of contract, agency and estoppel. Remedies for breach, damages and equitable relief available from the Common Law courts will also be covered. The seminar will cover examinations of the leading precedent cases on Contract law for Anglo-Saxon jurisdictions’.
The seminar will be delivered by an experienced lawyer/linguist used to the multicultural, international flavour of modern business. The practical methods of dealing with protection of the client and remedies for breach of contract will be covered and practiced in exercises during numerous breakout sessions.
All of this is intended to require full input from the participants to ensure they gain a solid working understanding of the requirements of binding contracts needed to protect their clients and recover compensation when appropriate.
Program includes:
- Offer and Acceptance – The wording of contracts, notification of acceptance, counter-offers
- Valuable consideration – what can and cannot be given, paid, transferred.
- Intention to create a contract, mistakes, misunderstandings and impossibility
- Capacity to create a contract,
- Illegal contracts and contracts which are in restraint of trade, contrary to public policy,
- Privity of Contract, exceptions, the rights of third-parties, avoidance of contracts, void contracts,
- Contract wording, express and implied terms. The UK Sale of Goods Act, The US Uniform Commercial Code.
- Exclusion clauses, limitations and exceptions
- Performance of the contract, Part performance, Quantun Meruit, Substantial performance, Anticipatory breach
- Agency and Estoppel. The power of company employees to bind companies.
- Termination of Contracts, frustration, breach, breach of warranties, conditions, infringement of terms
- Remedies for Breach of contract, Damages, Liquidated Damages, Specific performance, Punitive damages.
Participants will learn how to:
- Recognise the essential requirements of a contract- Avoid basic errors which invalidate contracts or cause confusion later.
- Understand and recognise the different types of breach of contract and the resulting different remedies which can be applied.
- Approach contract disputes with increased confidence about their client’s rights and remedies.
- Use clear specific words and phrases to set out requirements
- Network and interact with speakers and attendees to share experiences and learn about opportunities
- Legal directors and corporate counsel;
- Practicing lawyers;
- Legal practitioners advising international trading companies;
- Business Development Managers
- Business people involved in international trade.
Richard Brady Is a qualified British lawyer and legal english language teacher.
Our team of Seminar presenters and speakers for the Banking law and lending procedures seminar are all highly qualified lawyers who are also teachers and trainers of legal English and other legal skills. They all have extensive international teaching experience which is strengthened by their own years in legal practice:
A Certificate of Achievement will be issued at the end of the seminar.
Telephone: (Skype) +44 208 144 6440