Public Speaking for Lawyers

Public speaking is a necessary professional skill for all competent lawyers. Unfortunately, many do not understand the public speaking is different from just talking. Some lawyers think that they are good at public speaking because they can talk a lot and, regrettably, when they talk they like the sound of what they hear. It does not occur to them that the audience may not be so delighted, or interested.
Lawyers often speak before legislatures, city councils, planning commissions, and give talks to civic groups, business executives, or company employees - they even give media interviews on behalf of clients.
Good public speaking is about the ability to communicate and connect with your audience. For lawyers this is even more important. People think that because you’re a lawyer, you’re automatically a fearless and brilliant public speaker. We lawyers all know this is not always true. This expectation though, is one reason why it’s more important for lawyers to have good speaking skills than it is for any other professionals. As a lawyer, it’s critical that you know how to persuade a judge or tribunal, or speak to a group of clients, shareholders or conference participants.
But what if you’re not a natural public speaker? Don’t worry. Public speaking is a skill you can learn!
This training deals with all aspects of public speaking from the preparation and structure of the presentation, through the style, tone and delivery of its content to re-inforce the message with body language and visual aids.
You can learn to speak well in all public speaking environments – from one-on-one reporting to fellow associates, or partners, to discussion groups with clients, to speaking in court and at conferences. This training is an intensive course designed to deal with every aspect of speaking in public, from preparation, through to confident interesting and persuasive delivery and includes what to do after the presentation to remind the audience of your message. The training involves preparation of content and preparation for your audience’s expectations, confident and persuasive body language to support and support your words, vocal techniques to engage and maintain audience interest, the most effective use of visual aids. The training covers ways to persuade the audience or tribunal into doing what you want, or suggest, through use of word constructions, body language and content structure. Even if you are shy about speaking in public, you can fool the audience into believing you are confident and that you have a strong knowledge of your subject - It's all about how you present yourself. The training will show you some of tricks and techniques used by professional speakers to capture, hold and engage an audience's attention - techniques you can learn to use yourself in the future.
This training deals with all aspects of public speaking from the preparation and structure of the presentation, through the style, tone and delivery of its content to re-inforce the message with body language and visual aids.
- Legal directors and corporate counsel;
- Practicing lawyers;
- Legal practitioners advising international trading companies;
- Business Development Managers
- Business people involved in international trade.
Richard Brady Is a qualified British lawyer and legal english language teacher.
Our team of Seminar presenters and speakers for the Banking law and lending procedures seminar are all highly qualified lawyers who are also teachers and trainers of legal English and other legal skills. They all have extensive international teaching experience which is strengthened by their own years in legal practice:
A Certificate of Achievement will be issued at the end of the seminar.
Telephone: (Skype) +44 208 144 6440