Residential Summer Schools 2021
The British Legal Centre Summer Schools are held in Dublin and in County Kerry on the beautiful South-West Coast of Ireland. They deliver practical legal English courses and training, covering a wide range of legal skills and law topics. We unite students and lawyers from all over the World in our residential schools to be trained by our qualified Solicitor and Barrister instructors. The courses combine intensive study with practical workshops, to train lawyers in the participants in the professional legal skills they will need in their future careers. This includes the use of legal English, Contract drafting, and Arbitration law and practice.
There are 30 hours of lessons each week, and participants can register for 1, 2 or 3 weeks. The trainers are all qualified lawyers, who also hold teaching qualifications. The courses include a full programme of events and visits so that the first part of the day is spent studying, and then the afternoons and evenings are spent relaxing, shopping, and just being tourists.
Click here to get a brochure.

We will hold a wide range of different one-week residential courses in August 2021, in Dublin and Kerry. These include General legal English and legal writing, Contract Drafting, and a more specialised training course: Arbitration Law and Practice. You can obtain more details and an e-brochure by contacting us at:,
We run Summer Schools in Dublin because, whilst London is Europe's financial capital city, Dublin is Europe's most fun capital city.
The Dublin/Kerry Summer Schools in Ireland also have their own advantages over Summer Schools in the UK, not least that the Irish visa regime is easier, and much cheaper, than the UK – We have never heard of a visa application being refused and the cost is US$ 300.00 cheaper than the UK Visa. An Irish student visa costs just Euro 60 - (In the UK, the visa costs Euro 410). Everyone in Ireland speaks English as a first language. Accommodation is usually 30% cheaper than the equivalent price in the UK. The training has it’s own unique flavor of Ireland. We have a truly varied program of events at the end of each training day: Social events with local lawyers, horse-racing at local racecourses, trips around historic Castles – shopping and night-life in cosmopolitan Dublin and then the beauty of the South-West of the Country in County Kerry.

The General Law and Legal English course
The General law and legal English course is an intensive week of study designed to equip the participants with a strong knowledge of legal vocabulary and to improve their general legal writing ability. The course involves speaking, listening and writing techniques for different styles of legal documents and court arguments, client correspondence, with an emphasis on legal vocabulary and uses commercial law topics as the subjects to practice these skills.
The Course covers: Principles of Anglo/US contract law, legal English vocabulary, Legal doctrines, Public speaking practice, legal writing practice.
The Contract Drafting course
This is a one week master-class of commercial contract drafting, for lawyers who are already, or intend to, practice in this area of law. The training covers the meaning, use and wording of commercial contract clauses: which ones to use, and how to combine them to achieve the desired results.
The Course covers: Contract law and vocabulary, Contract remedies, The meaning and use of Warranties, Covenants, Representations, Indemnities and Guarantees. Liquidated Damages clauses. Exclusion clauses and their limitations. Boilerplate clauses. Termination clauses, Protect, Defend and Hold harmless clauses. SAAS Contract terms and related SLA agreements, NDA Agreements.

International Arbitration Law and Practice
This training is for practicing lawyers, law students and all those involved with dispute resolution. It will improve their knowledge of the law, procedures and practices of Arbitral proceedings. The trainers are experienced International lawyers, with experience of International Arbitration proceedings, who are also qualified English language teachers.
The Course covers: The characteristics and nature of arbitration, the legal effects of terms of Arbitration clauses and agreements, the different steps involved in the process, the award and enforcement. We use realistic work based scenarios for discussion and exercises, including Moot court practice.

Every Course includes: listening, writing, speaking exercises, plus a free Glossary with vocabulary definitions. Use of authentic documents/contracts. Best professional practices.
The right group for your ability!
We know that Legal English is not easy, and that students have different levels of English language ability. We have 3 different ability levels for the groups. Check your level, for free, to ensure you choose the group most appropriate for you. This ensures that you get the maximum benefit from the course. Take the free test to on this website to check your level.
Level 1. Score below 20% Basic– Suitable for students who know a few words but cannot hold a conversation. This course deals with law and legal vocabulary as well teaching general conversational English.
Level 2. Score 21% – 50% Intermediate – Suitable for those who can speak English with grammar and vocabulary mistakes. These courses deal with law and legal vocabulary plus eliminating the grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
Level 3. Score 51 % and above - Upper Intermediate and Advanced – Suitable for students who have a strong command of English. These courses concentrate on Law, legal skills, vocabulary and advanced legal writing techniques for contracts and litigation.
Our trainers
All our trainers for the Summer Schools are qualified UK lawyers, with experience of legal practice, who also hold teaching qualifications to teach English as a second language. You can find their details on our web-site at Teachers section.
We also have highly qualified international lawyers available for specialised tailored training, such as FIDIC Contracts, ICSIDA Arbitration, Judicial writing.
Most of our teacher/trainers are either UK Solicitors or Barristers. This allows us to provide trainers with an outstanding level of legal knowledge, and ability, coupled with the highest English language grammar and speaking skills.

When you come to our Summer Schools, you are our guests and we want you to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and enjoyable activities during what may be your first visit to the UK or Ireland.
We can arrange the accommodation for you if you contact us or let us know your budget in advance. We can place you with host families, in hotels or apartments, even in country cottages if you prefer. We can also arrange to collect you at the airport - help you with tourist information, and draw upon our experience and knowledge to help you get the most out of your stay.
Our aim is not only to teach and train you, but also to make sure that you experience the culture and life of the country, city, and surrounding area to make sure you enjoy your time during your stay.

Typical daily schedule
We know our Residential schools will improve your legal knowledge, legal vocabulary and legal skills.
It’s important for us, also, that enjoy your stay in the host Country so we stop the classes at 15:00 each day.
This will allow you to relax and become tourists.
Here is a typical day’s schedule:
- 09:00 – 11:00 Plain legal English writing techniques Part 1- (Writing in the active voice, writing with verbs, avoiding the passive voice) Presentation + exercises
- 11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break
- 11:20 - 12:15 Plain legal English writing techniques Part 2- (Parallel grammar constructions – making the text easier to understand by using repeated grammatical constructions in a series of sentences) Presentation + exercises
- 12:15 – 13:00 Writing in the Positive – (Making the message easier to write and understand by stating what must be done) Presentation + exercises
- 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
- 14:00 – 15:00 Brevity, concision and accuracy – (Avoiding duplication of words and ideas in sentences and texts, combining shorter sentences to improve the flow of ideas) Presentation + exercises
- 15:00 – Finish for the day. Free for the rest of the day and evening!

COST: US$ 1,000.00 PER COURSE.
The cost of attendance at all the courses, is the same: US$ 1,000.00 per week. Participants are responsible for their own flight and transport costs and for the cost of their accommodation. Group discounts, and early-bird discounts, are available. We also offer a 20% discount off the course of 2nd and 3rd weeks for participants booking a longer stay to attend a different course, and we encourage everyone to take the Arbitration Law and Practice course after their first course. Group discounts of 20% are available for bookings of 2 or more participants. Early-bird discounts for booking and payment of a 20% reservation fee at least 2 months before the course.
Contact Us
We can give you friendly, no pressure, advice and information on accommodation, dates, course topics, and which course is most suitable: Call us free on our Skype telephone number: 0044 280 144 6440
Or, write to us at:,
Call us - we will always be happy to talk to you.